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Road Traffic Sign

  Road traffic sign


Functions and Uses:

1. Provide information: Convey information about road conditions, traffic rules, warnings and instructions to road users.

2. Guide traffic: Help drivers and pedestrians make the right decisions to ensure smooth and safe traffic.

3. Regulate behavior: the rights and obligations of road users are defined, and the traffic rules are complied with.




1. Warning signs: used to warn vehicles and pedestrians of potential hazards, such as sharp turns, steep slopes, pedestrian crossings, etc.

2. Prohibition sign: indicates that a certain behavior is prohibited or restricted, such as no parking, no left turn, speed limit, etc.

3. Indicating signs: instructs vehicles and pedestrians to drive in the prescribed direction and route, such as straight, right turn, left turn, etc.

Color and shape:

1. Color: Different types of signs use different colors to enhance their recognition. For example, warning signs are usually yellow with a black motif; The ban logo is red with a white design; The indicator is blue with white pattern; The directional signs are green with a white design.

2. Shape: The shape of the logo is also related to its type. Warning signs are usually triangles; The prohibition sign is a circle; The indicator is round or square; The directions are rectangular.

Pattern and text:

1. Pattern: The pattern on the logo is usually simple and intuitive graphics in order to quickly convey information.

2. Text: Some signs will be accompanied by text descriptions to further clarify the meaning.

Installation position:

1. Road traffic signs should be installed in a prominent position to ensure that road users can see them in time.

2. The installation position of the sign should be set reasonably according to the actual situation of the road and traffic needs.

Visibility and reflectivity:

1. In order to be clearly visible in different weather and lighting conditions, the sign should have good visibility.

2. Many signs are made of reflective materials to reflect vehicle lights at night or in low light conditions and improve the visibility of the signs.


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