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Traffic Guide Sign

  Traffic guide sign


Functions and Uses:

1.Provide route information: Help the driver understand the direction of the road, the location of the intersection and the direction of the destination.

2. Guide traffic flow: indicate the direction of the vehicle on the road to ensure smooth and safe traffic.

3. Assisted navigation: Provide drivers with important navigation information to help them reach their destination.

4. Improve the efficiency of road use: through reasonable guidance, reduce the driver’s hesitation and wrong driving, improve the road capacity.


1. Directional signs: including location distance signs, direction signs, location signs, etc., used to indicate the name, distance and direction of the destination.

2. Lane indication sign: used to indicate the functions of the lane, such as straight, left, right, U-turn, etc.

3. Intersection guidance sign: set in front of the intersection to indicate the vehicle’s driving direction at the intersection.

4. Other guidance signs: such as driving signs around the island, avoiding lane signs, etc.

Color and shape:

1. Color: Generally blue and white pattern, of which the direction sign on the highway is green and white pattern.

2. Shape: It is mainly rectangular, and some are marked as round or triangle.



Pattern and text:

1. Pattern: Usually use simple and clear graphic symbols, such as arrows, lines, etc., to visually convey information.

2. Text: including Chinese characters, letters and numbers, used to mark the name of the place, distance, route number, etc.

Installation position:

1. Traffic guidance signs should be installed above the road or in a prominent position on the roadside to ensure that drivers can see them in time.

2. At important locations such as intersections, forks, and overpasses, multiple guidance signs should be set up to provide comprehensive guidance information.

Visibility and reflectivity:

1. In order to ensure that it can be clearly seen in different weather and lighting conditions, traffic guidance signs should have good visibility.

2. Usually made of reflective materials, so that the sign can reflect the vehicle light at night or under low light conditions, improve the identification of the sign.

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