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Traffic Warning Post

  Traffic warning post


Functions and Uses:

1. It is mainly used to provide warnings and guidance on the road to remind drivers to pay attention to road conditions and reduce the occurrence of traffic accidents.

2. It is usually set at road intersections, curves, ramps, crosswalks, construction sections and other places that need special attention.

3. It can help drivers recognize road edges, lane boundaries and other important traffic signs.

Materials and structures:

1.Generally made of plastic, rubber or metal and other materials, with a certain strength and durability.

2. The cylinder is usually cylindrical or conical, and the surface is painted with bright colors, such as yellow, orange or red, to enhance the warning effect.

3. Some traffic warning columns are also equipped with reflective materials or reflective films, so that they can reflect vehicle lights at night or in low visibility conditions to improve visibility.


1. Significant warning effect: bright colors and unique shapes can attract the driver’s attention and remind them to pay attention to the road situation in time.

2. Improve road safety: effectively reduce the risk of vehicles veering off the road, colliding with obstacles or other vehicles.

3. Easy installation and maintenance: traffic warning columns are usually simple to install, do not require complex construction processes, and the maintenance cost is low.

4. Strong adaptability: It can be customized according to different road conditions and needs, such as height, color and reflective performance.


1. Fixed warning column: fixed on the road, can not move.

2. Mobile warning column: It can be moved at any time according to needs, often used for temporary traffic control or construction sections.

3. Elastic warning column: with a certain degree of elasticity, it can reduce the impact force when the vehicle crashes and reduce the damage to the vehicle and the driver.

Installation requirements:

1. The installation position should comply with traffic rules and safety standards to ensure that it can effectively play a warning role.

2. The warning post should be secure.

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